Last Wednesday, I had the immense musical pleasure of attending the Raw Talent Showcase, put on by the up and coming rap group, Yo Competition, with the purpose of exposing equally new and aspiring Detroit talent. Upon walking into the venue which is appropriately titled “Jams”, I was immediately thrust into a feeling of nostalgia. Tucked between two high rises near Capitol
Park (Griswold/Grand River), Jams is a small night club with just enough character to make one feel like they are an extra in a freestyle scene of the movie, 8 mile but also with just enough class to demand the respect of its performers and patrons.
In the midst of the buzz of various musical acts and entertainers, one brave soul stood out. Hosting the event, June Bug, dubbed the First Lady of Yo Competition, was fashionable in a curve-hugging, piano-print mini dress and 6-inch red pumps. Confident and coy, we all looked on as June charismatically announced each act from the hilarious comedian, G. Paige to the high-powered dance quartet, Audacity to the soft spoken but yet hard-hitting poetess, Bree, and finally when June Bug took the stage to perform, the audience was completely silent, waiting to see what this unique young lady had to offer.
Dressed in black metallic leggings and a midriff-baring Varsity jacket embroidered with the “Planet Rego” logo, June Bug danced into the limelight effortlessly capturing the crowd with every move. Before she had even opened her mouth, the audience had already begun to cheer as June wowed us all, seductively twirling across the stage in to-die-for stiletto ankle boots with the skill of a trained hip hop dancer and throwing her hair in rhythm to the beat. She was definitely
in the moment and had brought us all along for the ride. June Bug performed “What You Want, What You Need,” a sexy upbeat single that had all of the men in the room on their feet,and also “Goin In,” an aggressive soon-to-be hit that truly showed off June’s lyrical prowess. Sweating and glowing, June thanked her audience for their participation before finally sitting down with me for just a few moments while the crowd was
“I’m ready for you,” she smiled in between “good jobs” and pats on the back from excited showcase patrons. Even her male group members, who had also just performed phenomenally, couldn’t resist coming up to June Bug and complimenting her on her on job well done. She laughed humbly and graciously thanked everyone and then with the skill of an artist who has done this before, turned to me and professionally asked me to go ahead with my questions. I began, anxious to ask the lady of the hour the questions that had been burning through my notepad.
Check out the interview after the jump
What is your full name and age?
My full name is June Pettiford, and I’m 25 years old. (She smiles as I gasp, surprised at her maturity despite her young age.)
What part of Detroit are you from?
Westside…..I grew up in the 8 Mile/Southfield area
on Fenmore.
How long have you been with Yo Competition, and how did you meet them?
I’ve been with them for about 2 months now. I met everyone through B. Dot (Yo Competition). I went to Detroit School of the Arts, Southfield High and finally, Oak Park High which is where I know B from. He hooked me up with Miguel (Miguel, or Rico as he is referred to in the industry, is a two-time Grammy nominated songwriter and producer who does most of the vocals for Yo Competition).
How would you describe yourself?
Um…myself!!! (She laughs confidently.) I’m not a mold. I’m gonna always be me!
Who are some of your role models and people you look up to in the industry?
(Silence while she thinks.)
Anyone who is rapping with a purpose or who tells a story. My favorites are Nas and J. Cole. That’s also why I like B. Dot because he’s a lyricist.
Judging by your performance, I can tell that rapping isn’t your only area of expertise. Do you dance?
I’ve studied African dance, Jazz and Ballet.
Wow! Any other talents we should know about?
I’m also an aspiring playwright and author. I’m currently working on a play titled “Devil’s Playground” and writing a book titled “Somebody’s Somebody.” I also have a blog, http://www.talkofdetroit.com/. Obviously, you know I rap. I have a mix tape coming out soon called “Writer’s Block.”
Switching gears, being that you’re the only female in “Yo Competition” and also working in such a male-dominated industry, do you ever face difficulty proving yourself or standing out amongst other female rappers or even amongst the members of your group?
Not at all. I grew up in a house full of boys. I have 3 brothers. I consider B. Dot and D. Truth (Yo Competition) like my brothers. They are very supportive, and as
far as other female rappers, I’m not even thinking about the ladies. I’m too busy trying to spit harder than the dudes.
Do you have any advice for young girls and boys who are considering rapping?
Study your craft! Pay attention to how it’s done,and do it over and over until you get it!
One last thing, and I’m doing this for the guys out there who may be wondering. Are you single? And if so, what do you look for in a significant other?
Unfortunately, I am single. My last relationship was with Robert (of Day
26 fame). That’s what a lot of people know me for. Um…what do I look for in a guy?? HE CAN’T WEAR SKINNY JEANS! (She laughs.) No,really, I just want a real man. There is a difference between a real man and a real n*gga. I want honesty and respect. I want a man that knows how to talk to a woman. No physical or verbal abuse. I expect a man to dibble and dabble at times, but right now, I’m just not even in a relationship mindset until I find someone who is willing to put a ring on my finger. I just want a man who understands my craft.
I sincerely thank June for taking the time to sit down with me, and I am beyond honored that she is officially the first lady of “First Lady Sundays.” She is definitely someone to look out for here in the city and truly a woman who is not only dedicated to her own success but the success of others. Beauty, brains and fearless ambition is sure to get her quite far in this industry.
To learn more about June Bug, you can follow her on Twitter @JuneBug143 or find her on Facebook using her full name. You can also keep up with her blog at http://www.talkofdetroit.com/ and subscribe to her videos on YouTube. She is currently featured in Motown Tay’s “Money on My Mind” which can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW5FEhi6fcY,and her single, “What You Want, What You Need” can be heard at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNLOLQY1EJs. She will also be featured in my personal blog entitled "Single and Still Alive"...details coming soon! #YoCompetition
As always, keep Detroit in your prayers, and continue to be a part of our city’s rise to excellence by supporting local businesses and artists!!!!

Next week’s First Lady…..Shay Lewis!!!
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